Harvest's Mission Values

Harvest's Mission Values

What is Missions?
God, through his church, sending his servants into the world as witnesses of the gospel, to proclaim and demonstrate the person and work of Jesus Christ, making disciples who will obey all that Jesus has commanded (Matthew 9:35-38; 24:14; 28:19-20; Luke 10:25-27; 24:45-47; John 20:21; Romans 15:20-21).


1 - Intentional efforts to reach and plant churches with unreached/unengaged peoples. 

2 - Gospel proclamation and works of mercy and compassion in Jesus’ name.

3 - Prioritize relationships/be relationship-based.

4 - Establish a culture of Mission at Harvest.

5 - Long-term commitment and investment, seeking to equip and empower indigenous leadership.

6 - We will approach our Camas/Washougal/East Vancouver/Portland “neighborhood” with the same missional intentionality as we should cross-culturally.