One body, different grace gifts Part 2

October 18, 2015 Speaker: Gary Series: Romans: The Gospel for God's Glory

Scripture: Romans 12:3–8

Note: We do apologize for the technical difficulties during this sermon. We hope that it doesn't interfere with your listening experience.


Romans: The Gospel for God’s glory
Romans 12:3-8
One body, different grace gifts, part 2
Think of yourself by God-given faith, since we are one body with different grace gifts

1) Think of yourself in sober judgment, according to your God-assigned measure of faith, 12:3.
Review: Why do you think God apportions to us different measures of faith?

2) As one body has many diverse parts, so we are one body with many interdependent parts, 12:4-5.
Review: summarize Paul’s point in verses 4-5.

3) Having different grace-given gifts, let’s use them, 12:6a.
How does Paul say we should live out the reality that we are one body in Christ? What does Paul say in Ephesians 4:13-16 are the goals of serving one another with our grace gifts? What does 1 Peter 4:10-11 say about serving one other in our grace gifts?

4) If you have a gift of prophecy, use it in proportion to your faith, 12:6b. (covered last week)

5) If you have a gift of service, use it in your serving, 12:7a.
What are ways that those with grace gifts of service might use them?

6) The one who teaches, use your gift in teaching, 12:7b.
What are ways that those with a grace gift of teaching can serve the body?

7) The one who exhorts, use your gift in exhortation, 12:8a.
This gift can be expressed both in practical appeals to faith and obedience as well as in giving encouragement. How do those with this grace gift help the body?

8) The one who contributes, use your gift in generosity, 12:8b.
How does Paul say those with the gift of contributing should exercise their gift?

9) The one who leads, use your gift with zeal, 12:8c.
Why might those who lead need to be exhorted to use their gift with zeal, or diligence?

10) The one who does acts of mercy, use your gift with cheerfulness, 12:8d.
What ways do those with the grace gift of mercy serve the body? Why does Paul exhort them to exercise their gift with cheerfulness?

More in Romans: The Gospel for God's Glory

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The gospel for God's glory

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